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God's Gracious Covenant

J. I. Packer defines Biblical covenant as "…solemn agreements, negotiated or unilaterally imposed, that bind the parties to each other in permanent defined relationships, with specific promises, claims, and obligations on both sides (e.g., the marriage covenant, Mal. 2:14)."
Fallen Condition Focus: We are people who mistrust God and his promises. We are born into sin, the sin of unbelief.
Sermon Proposition: Since God has made his covenant of grace with us in Christ, we ought to trust his covenant promises

I. Since God has made his covenant of grace with us in Christ, we ought to trust in God's faithfulness to fulfill his promises

II. Since God has made his covenant of grace with us in Christ, we ought to trust in God's wisdom and power to fulfill his promises

III. Since God has made his covenant of grace with us in Christ, we ought to trust in God's love to fulfill his promises

Speaker: Grant Goble
February 2, 2025

Genesis 15:1-21'>Genesis 15:1-21

Grant Goble

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