God with us in difficult decisions

The Parable of the Talents

Mission Update

Sermon Proposition: Since God has given us his life-giving truth in his Word, we ought to listen and believe in Christ.

The Parable of the Rich Fool

Sermon Proposition: Since Christ has warned us about the dangers of greed, we ought to guard against this evil and find ways to be rich toward God.

Since Christ has come to us in gentleness and with self-control, we ought to come to Jesus and learn from him how to walk by the Spirit in gentle submissiveness and godly self-control

Sermon Proposition: Since we have been given a living relationship with God the Father through faith in Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, we ought to not fall into mere religious observance, but continue in that living relationship with our God through faithfulness to Christ.

Sermon Proposition: Since we have been made rich by the generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ, we ought to give generously to others.

Sermon Proposition: Since the Lord has showed us kindness in Jesus Christ, we ought to be kind to one another and share his kindness with the world. 

The Fruit of the Spirit - Patience

Sermon Proposition: Since the Lord is coming again, we ought to be patient as we await his coming strengthening our hearts in his grace.