Since Christ's return is a central truth of our faith, we ought to confess our faith in it, place our hope in it, and let it align our love.

Since Christ has given a great tribulation us a sign of his immanent return, we ought to seek God's grace to endure and persevere in faith until the end.

Since Scripture gives the revealing of the Antichrist as one of the signs of Christ's return, we ought to seek to understand Scripture's teaching about him so that we will not be alarmed or deceived

Since a sign of Christ’s return is the proclamation of the gospel to the whole world, we ought to personally and corporately engage in Christ’s mission to the world and so prepare for and hasten his return.

Since Christ has assured us that the end times are preceded by woes and birth pains, we should not be startled by the events around us but remain steadfast in our faith, alert in prayer and faithful in our mission.

Since the Lord has given us hope through the prophecies in his Word, we ought to pay attention to the prophecies and treasure them.

Since God has given his children a new perspective through hope, we ought share that hope with others

Since the purpose of hope is to make known God's salvation in Jesus Christ, we ought to point others to Jesus Christ as the answer to their needs.

Since the Lord does not forget his covenant with his children, we must persevere by remembering him in our times of distress

Since God's presence and gracious favor goes with his children into the world giving us hope, we must preserve our covenant relationship with God by seeking purity