Our Strategy


  • Fallen Condition Focus: Sometimes we remain on the edges of the church refusing to become a member because we are afraid of a commitment, or we may not be sure if we are in agreement with the congregation on certain points of doctrine, or we may simply be resisting the Spirit's call to be planted. This limits the fruit that we can bear for Christ.
  • Sermon Proposition: Since Jesus Christ through his Holy Spirit calls us to take our place in the Body of Christ, we ought to heed his call responding to the present need as God directs us.

I. Since Jesus Christ through his Holy Spirit calls us to take our place in the Body of Christ, we ought to move from curious onlookers to Spirit-called Christians planted in the community

II. Since Jesus Christ through his Holy Spirit calls us to take our place in the Body of Christ, we ought to grow as Spirit-filled disciples bearing fruit that is visible to others.

III. Since Jesus Christ through his Holy Spirit calls us to take our place in the Body of Christ, we ought to mature into Spirit-empowered ministers.

Speaker: Grant Goble
May 26, 2024

Acts 6:1-7'>Acts 6:1-7

Grant Goble

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