Our Obedience


  • Fallen Condition Focus: Resisting obeying God's Holy Spirit is a sin. We stop listening to God and so we stop obeying God. We start listening to ourselves or to other people and so obey our own will or the will of others.
  • Sermon Proposition: Since the Lord has given us his Spirit and commanded that we bear witness to him, we ought to obey God rather than man

I. The Spirit empowers our obedience (Acts 5:20-21; cf. Acts 1:8; 2:3, 4)

II. The Spirit emboldens our obedience (Acts 5:29-32)

III. The Spirit enables us to endure with joy when we obey (Acts 5:41-42)


"The Holy Spirit can rejuvenate a tired Christian, captivate an indifferent believer, and empower a dry church." ~ Billy Graham

May 19, 2024

Acts 5:17-42'>Acts 5:17-42

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