Our Suffering


  • Fallen Condition Focus: While the story of the martyrs may inspire us, the problem is that we are weak vessels of clay. The threat of suffering causes some of us to not testify and witness to Christ. Instead of boldness, we are filled with timidity. Instead of having faith, we are paralyzed with fear. Instead of standing for Christ, we hide from others the light of Christ in us.
  • Sermon Proposition: Since Jesus Christ has given his Holy Spirit so we might be bold witnesses for him, we ought to rely on the Holy Spirit's power to suffer for Jesus' sake.

I. Since Jesus Christ has given his Holy Spirit so we might be bold witnesses for him, we ought to seek intimacy with God our Father to endure times of suffering (7:54-56)

II. Since Jesus Christ has given his Holy Spirit so we might be bold witnesses for him, we ought to commit our life to the care of the Father and the Son to comfort us in our suffering (7:57-59)

III. Since Jesus Christ has given his Holy Spirit so we might be bold witnesses for him, we ought to forgive our enemies and so overcome the sting of suffering (7:60)

Speaker: Grant Goble
June 2, 2024

Acts 6:8-15'>Acts 6:8-15

Grant Goble

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