Sowing to the Wind


  • Fallen Condition Focus: The futility of not walking with the Lord, but taking our own path in life
  • Sermon Proposition: Since the Lord our true husband is calling us to return to him, let us with his help return and allow him to restore us to himself

 I. The futility of not walking with the Lord in true covenant fellowship

A. Rebelling against God's law in our hearts and lives

B. Not praying about important decisions, but being driven by our own passions or wisdom

C. Making alliances with the world and its system with hope for security

D. Empty religious enthusiasm hoping for God's blessing

II. God is calling us through is prophet, His Son Jesus Christ, to return to him (Matt. 4:17; Matt. 11:28-30)

A. Christ's call - repent!

B. Metanoia - repentance; paradigm shift

C. Coming to God through Jesus

III. Return to the Lord today (Hos. 12:6; cf. 3:5; 11:5; 14:1-2)

A. With the help of your God - Return, turn back (shuv)

B. Hold fast (shamar) to steadfast love (chesed) and justice (mishpat)

C. Wait continually (qavah) for your God

Speaker: Grant Goble
March 10, 2024

Hosea 8:1-14'>Hosea 8:1-14

Grant Goble

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